Montessori Method in Teaching 2nd Language to Adults Project

“Montessori Method in Teaching 2nd Language to Adults” is a project under the funding of the Erasmus Plus Program. This project is developed in the scope of the Key Action2- “Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices”, and is coordinated by Professor Ana Cunha.

The projectconsists in teaching second language to adults using the Montessori method who emphasizes the active learning through the five senses, not only through the passive listening, vision or reading.

In recent years, sustainable social and economic development, along with intercultural dialogue, have been sought through efforts to ensure universal access to high quality education. In parallel, individual nations, and economic groupings such as the European Union, have been calling for a fundamental transformation of education to develop new competences among their citizens if they are to remain competitive. Educational innovation is a high priority

contributing to key targets on adult learning, up-skilling and modernization of training in the Europe 2020 strategy and the European agenda for adult learning.

The Montessori Method is a rather old but very effective educational method that has been implemented especially for the education of children. It is based on the individual needs of each learner and therefore it can address the learners’ needs in different education fields and training sectors and take into deep consideration the personal attitude, learning time and psychological blocks.

This project it is also aimed at introducing the Montessori Method to the field of language learning as for adults and promoting the acquisition of key competencies and skills throughout the education and training system.

Partners will work in the following ways:

  • Development of a manual guidebook for the transfer of the Montessori Method in language learning to adults – it will be primarily addressed to language teachers and will describe analytically how to implement the principles of the Montessori Method to adults over 20.
  • Organization of training workshops for language teachers on Montessori method.
  • Development of online training for the language teachers in partner countries and then in all over Europe in the methodology.

The expected impact on the attractiveness and the efficiency of the training course developed with the methodology studied in the research phase will be measured and documented through the analysis of the results obtained by pre- and post-course tests filled by participants, trainers and observers, to assess the effectiveness of the active/participatory method. All results will be organized in tables and all the possible quantitative elaborations will be performed.

Saiba mais sobre os resultados do Projeto:

Manual guidebook

Erasmus + Program (European Union).

Project Reference

01/10/2019 to 30/09/2021

24 months

The project has 6 entities from 6 different countries as follows:

  • Osmaniye Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu
  • Fundacja Instytut Badan I Innovawacji W Edukacji (FIB
  • Europe For All (EFA)
  • Centrul Judetean De Resurse Si Asistenta Educationala Arad (CJRAE ARAD)
  • Vienna Association Of Education Volunteers (VAEV)
  • Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (ULHT)

Websites and Social Networks

+ STORYLINE: STORYtelling for (Language) Learning in an Interactive and Nonformal Environment Project

STORYLINE aims to empower young people, to innovate youth work in the field of storytelling and language learning/ teaching and to foster social inclusion and cohesion through an intercultural, inclusive and intergenerational approach. While originally storytelling emerged as a form of passing on cultural heritage and other teachings, this project uses this concept as a bridge between the youth and the elder.

The project facilitates the dialogue between locals and expats, the young and the elder communities, in order to raise awareness on the importance of community’s cooperation for the achievement of social prosperity.
Each country will host 1 training of youth workers. After the youth workers’ return to their countries, they will organize a local workshop for youth on storytelling. The 20 youth together with the experts will interview the elders and people with fewer opportunities, who went through hardship, from their community, about their stories (about their life, their city, interesting facts from their past, their cultural heritage etc.).

The stories will be selected, edited and adapted to different levels of reading material for young learners. The youth will also be involved in the editing and translating process of adapting the stories. The adapted stories will be in the StorytellingHUB – a platform for language learning, and an eBook. The eBook will also comprise good practices in language learning as developed during the youth workers’ trainings.

The 63 stories available on the HUB, 12 of them will be transformed into Virtual reality “escape rooms”. This game will be called “EscapeStory Sphere” and will be an interactive language-learning game which promotes cultural heritage and storytelling as a way to learn about a language and a culture. The game will be available free, online, and can be used with VR glasses or without, by using a laptop, phone or tablet.

The project’s main aim is to encourage intercultural and intergenerational connections and promote cultural heritage and exchanges through storytelling and language learning.

Erasmus + Program (European Union)

Project Reference

01/11/2020 a 31/08/2022

24 months


Professor Ana Cunha (Principal Investigator)

Professor Anabela Mateus

Professor Inês Nemésio


The project brings together 5 entities from 3 European Union countries listed below

  • House of Education and Innovation (Romania)
  • Universidad De Granada (Spain)
  • Phoart Production S.R.L. (Romania)
  • Didáctica de Arte y Arqueología S.L. (Spain)
  • Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (Portugal)

Website and Social Networks
